
二尖瓣 障碍


心脏的四个瓣膜之一, the mitral valve is located between the heart's upper-left chamber, 叫做左心房, and the heart's lower-left chamber, 叫做左心室.

阀门控制 血液流经心脏. The mitral valve controls blood flow from the left atrium into the left ventricle. 当心脏收缩时,二尖瓣关闭以防止血液回流到肺部. If the valve becomes diseased or damaged, it may be surgically repaired or replaced to restore function.

如果不及时治疗, mitral valve disease may lead to more serious problems, 比如心脏扩张, in which the heart's walls become stretched and weakened. 因此, 心律问题 可能发生的情况包括 心房纤颤.


The two most common conditions that require mitral valve repair include:

  • 二尖瓣脱垂 Myxomatous degeneration of the valve, also known as "floppy valve" or mitral valve prolapse, is the most common condition that requires mitral valve repair. 当二尖瓣小叶变得松软或松动,瓣膜不能正常打开和关闭时,就会发生这种情况. 在大多数情况下,它不会引起症状,因此不需要治疗.

    然而, 在更严重的情况下, the condition may cause mitral valve regurgitation, in which the blood leaks backwards into the lungs. 这可能导致心脏扩张,心脏壁被拉伸和削弱. 因此, 心律问题 可能发生的情况包括 心房纤颤. 几乎所有由黏液瘤变性引起的瓣膜渗漏都可以通过手术成功修复.
  • 二尖瓣狭窄 二尖瓣 valve stenosis is a narrowing of the opening of the mitral valve, which can prevent the valve from opening and closing normally, reducing the amount of 血液流经心脏. 随着时间的推移, stenosis can cause high blood pressure in the left atrium and the lungs, which can lead to breathing difficulties.

Other conditions that may require mitral valve repair include:

  • 心内膜炎 This is an infection affecting the heart valves or the inner surface, 叫做心内膜, 心的. 心内膜炎 typically occurs when bacteria or other germs in the mouth, 肠道或泌尿道通过血液到达心脏,并在心脏内停留. These bacteria usually don't cause problems in normal hearts, but 有缺陷的心 or those that have been repaired are vulnerable to infection. 一旦感染发生,细菌就会继续生长,并可能严重损害心脏.
  • 心脏衰竭 心脏衰竭 develops when the heart doesn't function properly. “心力衰竭”和“充血性心力衰竭”(CHF)这两个名字经常让人们感到困惑,因为心脏实际上并没有“衰竭”或停止跳动. 心力衰竭是一个医学术语,描述了心脏的一个或多个腔体“无法”跟上流经它们的血液量的情况. 心力衰竭可由多种潜在疾病和健康问题引起.

    患有严重反流的终末期心力衰竭患者——血液向后渗漏到肺部——可能需要二尖瓣修复. 然而, many of these patients will eventually need a 心脏移植手术.

Our Approach to 二尖瓣 阀 障碍

加州大学旧金山分校, 二尖瓣紊乱的患者由心脏瓣膜问题的专家团队进行治疗, including interventional cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons. We offer the full range of therapy options, including minimally invasive approaches to repairing or replacing the valve. Compared with traditional open heart surgery, these procedures have many benefits for patients, 包括更快的恢复, less postoperative pain and minimal scarring.

Research shows that when faulty valves are repaired early on, before they lead to heart damage, patients have much better immediate and long-term results. 我们的外科十大赌博平台排行榜在修复早期二尖瓣疾病方面取得了巨大的成功. 研究也显示了手术修复二尖瓣的许多优点,而不是替换. 然而,在某些情况下,阀门可能严重损坏,建议更换.

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迹象 & 症状

当二尖瓣功能异常引起呼吸短促等症状时,建议进行手术修复, 乏力, 胸痛, 头晕, 脚踝或腿部肿胀, 咳嗽或心悸. 当二尖瓣受损或病变导致心肌衰弱时,也可推荐使用.


The diagnosis of mitral valve disease is confirmed with 超声心动图. 这是一个保险箱, 利用声波(超声波)检查心脏结构和运动的无痛检查. This test provides information about the heart's pumping ability, 血流活动, 阀的功能, 尺寸和压力.

加州大学旧金山分校在超声心动图方面处于国际领先地位,并一直处于该领域新技术和设备开发的前沿. UCSF心脏外科十大赌博平台排行榜不仅在手术前使用超声心动图诊断二尖瓣疾病并计划手术, 而且在修复过程中.

在很多情况下, the 超声心动图 tells surgeons all they need to know to perform the surgery, 如此......以至于...... 心导管检查 这是一种获取心脏详细信息的侵入性手术. Cardiac catheterization uses catheters, 它们都很薄, 通过腹股沟或颈部的微小切口插入的柔性管,通过血管穿过心脏.


如果二尖瓣病变或受损,可以通过手术修复以恢复功能. 二尖瓣 valves also may be replaced with an artificial or natural valve. 然而, research has shown that there are many advantages of surgically repairing, 而不是替换, 二尖瓣. 在某些情况下, 然而, the valve may be so seriously damaged that valve replacement is recommended.

Your surgeon will discuss both treatment options with you. 决定是否进行阀门修复或更换取决于许多因素, 包括你的年龄, 整体健康, cause of valve damage and expected benefits of surgery.


二尖瓣修复是由心胸外科十大赌博平台排行榜进行的心内直视手术, a doctor who specializes in heart and lung conditions.

The two most common surgical mitral valve repairs include:

  • 环Annuloplasty “灭灵之环”, 或阀门的环状部分, is tightened by placing a flexible ring of metal, cloth or tissue around the damaged valve.
  • 阀维修 手术重建受损的瓣叶、索和/或乳头肌.

手术修复, 而不是替换一个瓣膜,保留连接瓣膜和心脏的周围结构, which are important for maintaining the heart's shape and function. 研究表明,在瓣膜置换术中移除这些结构可能不会立即影响心脏功能, 但手术后10年, 心脏弱多了.

除了, inserting artificial valves into the heart may cause infections or complications, 比如凝血. 有瓣膜修复的病人, 而不是更换阀门, do not need to take the blood thinner Coumadin, and also have a quicker recovery time, due in part to less invasive surgical techniques.

我们可以使用微创技术进行某些二尖瓣修复,例如 机器人手术, reducing recovery time and the risk of surgical complications.


加州大学旧金山分校的心脏外科十大赌博平台排行榜也擅长在心脏被故障瓣膜严重损坏之前进行早期二尖瓣修复. Recent research suggests that earlier surgical intervention, particularly if repair is possible, may prevent irreversible damage to the heart. 有证据表明,早期进行瓣膜修复的患者在短期和长期效果上都有很大改善. 由于心脏组织在修复时仍然是健康的,恢复时间要快得多.

推动二尖瓣早期修复只是近几十年来席卷该领域的几个重要变化之一. 现在和过去最重要的程序区别之一是,现在现有的瓣膜经常被修复, rather than replaced with an artificial or human valve.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

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