


痛风 is one of the most painful forms of arthritis and one of the few in which the cause is known. 在很多情况下, inflammation initially develops in the joints of the big toe, 一种叫做足肿的情况. It also can affect the instep, ankles, heels, knees, wrists, fingers and elbows.

虽然没有治愈痛风的方法, the majority of patients are able to manage their 症状 with medications. The disease typically affects men over the age of 30, 绝经后的妇女, 非裔美国人, people with kidney disease and those who have had an 器官移植. In addition, some families are genetically predisposed to the condition. 痛风与 肥胖, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes.

The condition results from deposits of needle-like crystals of uric acid in the connective tissue and joint spaces. Uric acid is a byproduct of the breakdown of waste products in the body. Normally, uric acid is eliminated through the urine. When the body increases its production of uric acid or if the kidneys do not eliminate enough of it from the body, 含量增加并引起痛风.


UCSF provides comprehensive evaluations and advanced care for all forms of arthritis, including gout. Our team includes doctors from several specialties, 包括风湿病学, 整形外科手术, 皮肤科和整形外科. We offer specialized imaging studies and immunologic testing, as well as a range of standard and investigational treatments.

痛风 is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the body. Most patients are able to ease 症状 and stop a gout attack with either nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 或糖皮质激素. 病人 who suffer repeated gout attacks or advanced gout may need different medications to normalize their levels of uric acid.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

痛风的标志性症状是突然的, 剧痛发作, 发红, 关节肿胀和压痛, 通常是第一个脚趾. Inflammation also can occur in the knee, ankle, foot, hand, wrist and elbow. 痛风 typically occurs quickly in only one joint at a time, but 症状 may occur in two or three joints simultaneously.

尿酸沉积, 称为痛风石, can appear as lumps under the skin around the joints and at the rim of the ear. Occasionally, uric acid collects in the kidneys and forms stones.


Your doctor will begin by recording your complete medical history and asking you to describe your 症状. Then you will undergo a physical examination during which your doctor will check for physical signs of the condition. The best way to diagnose gout is to remove fluid from an affected joint and examine it under a microscope for uric acid crystals. 然而,这可能并不总是必要的.


Most people with gout are able to control their 症状 and enjoy active lives with the use of proper medication. 治疗的目的是减轻疼痛, prevent future attacks and avoid the development of tophi and kidney stones.


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), 或糖皮质激素, which are either taken orally or injected into the affected joint, are two of the most common treatments for acute attacks of gout. NSAIDs and corticosteroids reduce the inflammation caused by deposits of uric acid crystals, although they have no effect on the amount of uric acid in the body. 病人 often begin to improve within a few hours of treatment, and the attack usually goes away completely within a week or so.

病人 who have multiple gout attacks or who develop tophi or kidney stones are candidates for therapy that aims to normalize uric acid levels in the blood. Such drugs include those that help the kidneys eliminate uric acid, 比如probenecid, and drugs that block production of uric acid by the body, 比如别嘌呤醇. During the initial phases of such treatment, low dose of the anti-inflammatory drug colchicine might be used to prevent a gout attack.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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