
ACL 受伤


The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the knee joint's four major ligaments, which work together to coordinate function and promote stability. 韧带把骨头连接在一起. 从股骨后部(大腿骨)到胫骨前部(小腿较大的长骨), 前交叉韧带防止胫骨向前移动,并为膝关节提供旋转稳定性.

ACL injuries commonly occur during exercise or sports, 最常见的是在非接触事件期间, such as a quick change of direction in soccer. 与其他球员或物体直接接触造成的前交叉韧带损伤比例较小. 几项研究表明,女性发生这种伤害的几率高于男性, 特别是在某些运动中. It's been proposed that this is because of differences in physical conditioning, 肌肉力量, 神经肌肉控制和骨骼排列, as well as women's looser ligaments and the effects of estrogen on ligament properties.

The classic ACL injury occurs when decelerating, stopping suddenly, twisting or jumping. 在受伤的那一刻,人们经常听到或感觉到砰的一声,有时会经历短暂的膝关节超伸. 之后,有些人能够立即继续他们的活动,但大多数人不能. A few hours later, the knee will be considerably swollen.


UCSF致力于帮助前交叉韧带撕裂患者尽可能恢复最高水平的活动, whether that means a daily walk or reporting for practice with the NFL. 我们的团队包括整形外科十大赌博平台排行榜, 初级保健运动医学十大赌博平台排行榜, physical therapists and athletic trainers. 这些专家共同制定治疗计划,以满足每位患者的需求和目标.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状


  • Hear or feel a pop at the moment of injury
  • 立即肿胀
  • Feel as though their knee will give out or is unstable, 尤其是转弯时, 绕轴旋转, 走着走着下楼
  • Experience lingering instability of the knee


检测前交叉韧带损伤, doctors examine the knee for range of motion, 肿胀, 稳定性和韧带完整性, 评估下半身的力量. X-rays may be used to check for injuries to bone, 核磁共振扫描可以帮助评估损伤的严重程度并发现相关问题, 比如其他膝盖韧带的扭伤, meniscus tears or articular cartilage damage. 


Most ACL tears are treated with reconstructive surgery, 但这取决于病人的年龄, 受伤程度, 活动水平和恢复目标, a nonsurgical approach is sometimes chosen. 患者在这些选择之间进行选择,将受益于与十大赌博平台排行榜和理疗师的协作决策过程.

对于不经常运动或不参加需要快速改变方向的运动的患者, 物理治疗方案(而不是ACL重建手术)是一个合理的选择, as the injury may not interfere with their daily activities. 这种疗法需要6到10个月的时间,可以将膝盖的稳定性恢复到接近受伤前的状态. 使用铰链式膝关节支架(ACL功能支架)可以帮助预防这一时期的不稳定发作,并支持安全返回低压力的体育活动.

不幸的是, 许多决定不手术的人可能会因为反复的不稳定发作和改变的生物力学而经历二次膝盖损伤. 前交叉韧带撕裂的患者如果不进行前交叉韧带重建手术,进一步损伤半月板和软骨的风险可能更高. 很少, 有些前交叉韧带撕裂的人能够参加运动而没有不稳定的症状. This variability is related to the severity of the original knee injury, as well as to the specific activities an individual usually engages in.



准备. 确保你了解你将要做的手术的潜在风险和好处. 问你的外科十大赌博平台排行榜任何问题. Talking with someone who has undergone the procedure can also be helpful.

和你的外科十大赌博平台排行榜谈谈. 告诉你的外科十大赌博平台排行榜你的健康问题——从最近的发烧或感染到慢性疾病,如哮喘或睡眠呼吸暂停——以及你服用的任何药物. Your surgeon will review your health history at your pre-op appointment.

按照指令. 你会被告知在手术前午夜之后不要吃东西或喝水. 这样可以减少全身麻醉时呕吐的风险,而呕吐会导致并发症. Don't drink alcohol, smoke or take recreational drugs prior to surgery.

安排运输. You'll need someone you know to drive you home a few hours after your surgery, since the anesthetic and pain medications will make you drowsy. You won't be allowed to leave the hospital on your own.

练习使用拐杖. Learn to use crutches before you actually need them. 你的物理治疗师或你的护理团队的运动教练可以在你的术前预约中指导你正确的技术.

穿着舒适的. 在手术当天, 穿宽松的裤子或其他能舒适地盖住膝盖绷带和术后支架的衣服.

放松. Keeping a good frame of mind can ease any anxiety you have about undergoing surgery. 分心,比如阅读, 听音乐或播客, or practicing mindfulness mediation can help.


  • 手术后我什么时候可以洗澡?

    You should keep your dressing on and knee dry until your first post-op visit, at which point you'll likely be cleared to shower. 但在手术后三到四周,不要将手术部位浸入浴缸或游泳池.

  • When will I have a follow-up appointment?

    You should keep your dressing on and knee dry until your first post-op visit, at which point you'll likely be cleared to shower. 但在手术后三到四周,不要将手术部位浸入浴缸或游泳池.

  • 我应该什么时候开始物理治疗?

    You should start as soon as possible, in the first week or two after surgery. Patient often have the first session right after their first post-op appointment.

  • 我要拄拐杖多久?

    You'll use crutches for somewhere between four and six weeks, depending on factors including the severity of your injury, any other structures that were repaired in your knee and the amount of post-op 肿胀.

  • Do cold therapy devices provide the best pain relief?

    You can choose among a number of icing methods, such as placing a regular ice pack or package of frozen vegetables over the bandages. 冷疗单位, which work by recirculating ice water through a pad over your knee, 是有效的,但有点贵吗. 它们可以在网上、医疗用品商店或UCSF矫形和假肢中心购买.

  • 我要缝针吗??

    You'll have three or four stitches that will be removed seven to 10 days after surgery, 在你第一次术后预约时.

  • When can I return to school or work after ACL surgery?

    大多数患者在手术后5到7天就可以回到学校或办公室工作. If you're able to work from home, your initial recovery period will be easier. 对体力要求很高的工作, 在重返工作岗位之前,你需要更多的时间来安全康复和体检.

  • ACL手术后我什么时候可以开车?

    那要看哪条腿动了手术. If you had surgery on your left knee and have an automatic car, 一旦你不再服用麻醉止痛药,并且觉得有能力安全驾驶,你就可以开车了. 如果你的右膝做了手术, 手术后你需要等三到六周才能得到十大赌博平台排行榜的医疗许可才能开车.


Although knee ligament injuries are common, you can take steps to reduce your risk:

  • 控制体重. 每超出正常体重一磅,你的膝盖就会承受3到4磅的额外压力.
  • 保持双腿强壮. 腿筋(大腿后面的肌肉)和股四头肌(前面的肌肉)是至关重要的减震器. Keeping these muscles strong and flexible protects the surfaces of your knee joints.
  • 伸展肌肉. Stretching before exercise should be a regular part of your warm-up. However, it's also important not to overstretch. Never use your hands to push or pull beyond what's comfortable, 在热身时避免下蹲, 哪些会给你的膝关节造成压力.
  • 穿合适的鞋子. 合适的运动鞋有合适的缓冲或支撑可以减少对膝盖的冲击.
  • 慢慢成形. 如果你想从事需要扭转和旋转的活动,比如球拍运动, 滑雪, soccer or basketball – don't assume you can play yourself into shape. Develop your fitness and strength before you get active in sports that are hard on knees.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.



考虑前交叉韧带重建手术? Discover everything you need to know about preparation, the procedure itself and post-surgery recovery right here.




从你在前交叉韧带手术后的恢复室醒来的那一刻起,恢复膝盖活动范围的康复计划就开始了. 点击这里了解更多.


关于前交叉韧带(ACL)手术的常见问题,包括你需要拄拐杖多长时间, 开始物理治疗等等.


Although collateral ligament injuries can be difficult to avoid, 这里有几个步骤,你可以采取提高你的膝盖的力量和灵活性.

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    这个为期八周的课程教授正念练习,可以减轻压力,改善你的整体健康, 比如冥想和身体意识.



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