乳房重建 乳房再造的外科手术是 乳房切除术. There are two types: implant reconstruction and autologous reconstruction. You may also hear autologous reconstruction referred to as free tissue transfer or free flap.

在自体重建中, 外科十大赌博平台排行榜使用组织(皮肤), 脂肪, blood vessels and sometimes muscle) from another area of the body to rebuild the breast. 为移植组织建立血液供应, surgeons connect its tiny blood vessels to blood vessels in the chest.

Some patients choose autologous reconstruction over implants for personal reasons. (请参阅常见问题一节 乳房重建 每个人的优点和缺点.)对其他人, 这是他们唯一的重建选择, 乳腺癌治疗后, 它们没有足够的组织来覆盖和支持植入物.

There are several ways to perform autologous reconstruction, described below. The most common is to take "donor tissue" from the lower belly, 但是后面, 可以用臀部或大腿代替.